Sustainable management of the marine ecosystem and living resources of the White Sea

Project Acronym: WHITESEA
Project Duration: 1 December 1998 - 30 November 2000
E-mail us: Nikolai Filatov, or Arkady Terzhevik

PROJECT COORDINATOR: Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre (NERSC), Norway
Partner 1 Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre (NERSC).

Partner 2 Finnish Institute of Marine Research (FIMR).

Partner 3 Nansen International Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre (NIERSC)

Partner 4 Northern Water Problems Institute of the Karelian Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences (NWPI)

Partner 5 Murmansk Marine Biology Institute of the Kola Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences (MMBI)

Partner 6 Saint-Petersburg Scientific Research Centre for Ecological Safety of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SRCES)

General objectives of the research:

  1. Assess the current status and dynamics of the White Sea ecosystem as influenced by anthropogenic impact arising from external pollution sources located on the sea watershed.
  2. Investigate the responsiveness and potential resilience of the White Sea ecosystem under different scenarios of regional industrial development and impact;
  3. Study the socio-economic aspects inherent in different scenarios of industrial development in the White Sea area;
  4. Develop efficient simulation and management tools for:
    1. monitoring of the impact of pollution sources and simulation of the effects of various development scenarios
    2. mitigating and reducing the damage to the White Sea ecosystem due to anthropogenic impact,
    3. sustainable management of marine living resources and the ecosystem of the White Sea.

Specific scientific and technological objectives:

  1. To create dedicated environmental, ecological and socio-economic databases integrated in a Geographical Information System (GIS) for the White Sea region;
  2. To specify and substantiate realistic scenarios of industrial impact and development in the area and the relevant man-induced loads on the environment;
  3. To identify the nomenclature of socio-economic indices and develop the format of the relevant data collection and integration into the dedicated databases;
  4. To implement and validate a comprehensive high-resolution (5 km) coupled physical and ecological numerical model (including sea ice) for the White Sea aquatic ecosystem;
  5. To develop a flexible simulation tool-software (the White Sea Management Information System - WSIS), which will support decision-making both on sustainable management of the White Sea marine living resources and ecosystem through numerical simulation of changes and assessment of risk due to industrial impact and measures to be undertaken to mitigate/ reduce the ecosysem deterioration
  6. The watershed of the White Sea
    Fig. 1 The Watershed of the White Sea

    Chlorophil concentration
    Fig. 2 Chlorophil concentration in the surface horizon of the White Sea.
    Onego Gulf. July 2001

    Fig. 3 Expedition on the White Sea

    Temperature Temperature
    Fig. 4 Temperature of the surface water derived from the satellite data

    Fig. 5 The White Sea